How to Make Chocolate Truffles: Video Demonstration & Recipe

It’s that time of year when people across the world celebrate love and indulge in chocolate. I make homemade chocolate truffles for the overnight accommodations turndown service at Jordan, and thought I’d share my favorite chocolate recipes in this how to make chocolate truffles demonstration video. With a few essential tools, tips and ingredients, you’ll find that making chocolate isn’t so hard after all. Our Jordan recipes for the truffles’ tempered chocolate shells, as well as both soft and firm chocolate ganache fillings in different flavors, are included below. We hope this tutorial awakens your inner chocolatier. Cheers!

Recipe: Basic Dark Chocolate Ganache (Soft)

Three variations of soft chocolate truffle ganache recipes are included below. Use the Basic Dark Chocolate Ganache (Soft) instructions for each ganache, as only ingredients vary.

Ingredients ~

  • 4 oz. cream
  • 4 oz. dark chocolate discs (San Francisco-based TCHO is our preferred brand)
  • 1 Tbsp. soft butter

Instructions ~

  1. Bring cream to a boil and pour over the chocolate.
  2. Cover for 2 minutes and stir smooth.
  3. Mix in soft butter.
  4. Allow it to cool to room temperature; once filling has cooled to room temperature, it is ready to use. While filling is cooling, make the Tempered Dark Chocolate Shell (see below recipe).
  5. Pour tempered chocolate into your candy mold.
  6. Be sure to tap out all the air bubbles and scrape off the excess chocolate using a flat spatula (see demonstration video above).
  7. Allow chocolate to set up slightly, just to form a shell in the candy mold.
  8. Tip the mold over and pour the majority of the chocolate back into your bowl and scrape the mold clean. (You should be left with a shell that has an empty cavity.)
  9. Using a piping bag, pipe your ganache filling into the chocolate shell, leaving room to cap it off with more tempered chocolate.
  10. Once they are all full, cover the candy mold again with tempered chocolate, tap out excess air and scrape clean.
  11. Place in a cool area and allow the chocolates to completely set, about 20-30 minutes.
  12. To remove from the mold, twist the mold to loosen the chocolates and turn over.
  13. If they do not release clean, refrigerate for 5 minutes and try again.

Recipe: Tempered Dark Chocolate Shell

Ingredients ~

  • 1 lb. dark chocolate discs (San Francisco-based TCHO is our preferred brand)

Instructions ~

  1. Gently heat 2/3 of your chocolate (chopped or discs/pieces) over a double boiler, stirring constantly until melted. Chocolate will be melted at 120 degrees.
  2. Be careful that no steam or water gets into your chocolate as it is being melted.
  3. Cool the chocolate by adding fresh chocolate pieces and constant agitation, or stirring, until it reaches about 84 degrees.
  4. Quickly return your bowl to the heat and heat the chocolate to 88-89 degrees, stirring constantly.
  5. Chocolate is now tempered and ready to use.
  6. If chocolate hardens and needs to be remelted, or gets above 91 degrees, you must re-temper it.
  7. See Basic Dark Chocolate Ganache (Soft) recipe above for tempered shell/molded chocolate use instructions.

Recipe: Milk Chocolate Ganache (Soft)

Ingredients ~

  • 4 oz. cream
  • 6 oz.milk chocolate discs
  • 1 Tbsp. soft butter

Instructions ~

Follow instructions in above recipes for Basic Dark Chocolate Ganache (Soft) and Tempered Dark Chocolate Shell.

Recipe: White Chocolate Ganache (Soft)

Ingredients ~

  • 4 oz. cream
  • 8 oz. white chocolate discs
  • 1 Tbsp. soft butter

Instructions ~

Follow instructions in above recipes for Basic Dark Chocolate Ganache (Soft) and Tempered Dark Chocolate Shell.

Recipe: Dark Chocolate Ganache (Firm)

Three variations of firm chocolate truffle ganache recipes are included below. Use the Dark Chocolate Ganache (Firm) instructions for each ganache, as only ingredients vary. Garnishes are optional and only limited to your imagination.

Ingredients ~

  • 4 oz. cream
  • 12 oz. chocolate discs
  • 1 Tbsp. soft butter
  • Finely chopped nuts, sea salt, transfer sheets or other candied garnish (optional)

Instructions ~

  1. Spread the firm chocolate ganache filling to desired thickness on a cookie sheet, baking pan or plate and let set up.
  2. Once firm ganache is completely set (usually overnight), it is ready to use, make sure to use it at room temperature.
  3. Cut into desired shapes–rectangles, squares or even triangles. (Using a hot knife allows for clean, easier slicing).
  4. Drop into tempered chocolate and lift out using a fork or dipping fork.
  5. Allow excess chocolate to drip off, then run the fork against the rim of your bowl to scrape off the excess.
  6. Place onto parchment-lined pan, working from top to bottom and right to left.
  7. Before the chocolate has hardened, you can sprinkle on some decorative accents, such as nuts, salt or chocolate shavings.
  8. You can also press an image onto the chocolate using a chocolate transfer sheet. Allow it to fully set, about 20 minutes, before removing the transfer sheet.

Recipe: Milk Chocolate Ganache (Firm)

Ingredients ~

  • 4 oz. milk chocolate discs
  • 18 oz. milk chocolate discs
  • 1 Tbsp. soft butter

Instructions ~

Follow instructions in above recipes for Dark Chocolate Ganache (Firm) and Tempered Dark Chocolate Shell.

Recipe: White Chocolate Ganache (Firm)

Ingredients ~

  • 4 oz. cream
  • 24 oz. white chocolate discs
  • 1 Tbsp. soft butter

Instructions ~

Follow instructions in above recipes for Dark Chocolate Ganache (Firm) and and Tempered Dark Chocolate Shell.

Jordan Winery Chocolate Truffles

Preparation time: 60 minute(s)
Cooking time: 10 minute(s)
Number of servings (yield): 75-100 pieces



Don’t forget the Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon to enjoy with this sweet treat.

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About the Author

A native Sonoma County resident, Cristina grew up with a large family in Healdsburg. She developed a love for baking as a young girl and graduated from the Culinary Institute of America's baking and pastry arts program. Cristina works part-time in the Jordan Winery kitchen, making desserts and prepping for culinary events. She’s become known for her recipe tutorial videos, which have a few million views on YouTube. During breaks from baking in Healdsburg, she and her husband spent several years volunteering on non-profit construction projects in the U.S. and Africa.

    • Teresa
    • August 21, 2019

    Where can I buy transfer sheets like the ones you had in the video

    • Tarek Taraboulsi
    • August 1, 2019

    Thanks a lot you guys are awesome, just one question what is the shelf life for chocolate filling with one of the recipe you listed .
    Thanks again

    • Gwen Reed
    • February 25, 2018

    Christina, I really enjoyed your video. You explained it very well. I am anxious to make my own truffles.

  1. Pingback: Top Blog Posts of 2016 | Jordan Winery Wine & Food

  2. Pingback: Chocolate Truffle Recipe Tutorial Demonstration: How to Make Soft Ganache and Firm Ganache Truffle | Coding Tutes

    • Scott yogi
    • January 31, 2016

    Thank you for the great instructions

    Just have one question. I tried the firm ganache and the texture came out gritty. Not smooth as the soft ganache. Mostly how it looks vs tasting. Is this ok? I didn’t put the tempered chocolate over it yet. When I poured the cream over the chocolate, it didn’t melt the chocolate all the way so I put it back on the double broiler. That’s when it seemed to get more gritty. Please let me know if I’m OK or doing something wrong. Thank you. By the way, I’m using thr Tcho brand. 68% dark chocolate.

    • Rozita
    • August 19, 2015

    Hello – thanks for the recipe and great video.

    Just wondering how many truffles does the hard dark chocolate truffles (ganache and tempered shell) make?


  3. Pingback: Chocolate Truffle Recipe Tutorial Demonstration: How to Make Soft Ganache and Firm Ganache Truffle

    • Zach
    • December 28, 2014

    What can I use instead of butter and cream if I want it to be vegan?

      • lisamattson
      • December 29, 2014
  4. Pingback: Chocolate Truffle Recipe Tutorial Demonstration: How to Make Soft Ganache and Firm Ganache Truffle - CookingRoom

    • Britt
    • December 9, 2014

    Thank you so much for this video and recipes! This has fueled my passion to become a better chef!

      • Hanan jouny
      • October 14, 2019

      Hello. Fantastic video. If I wanted to add a personal touch to the recipe shall I keep the exact measurements in the recipe or shall I change them ?

    • Guest #9
    • December 17, 2013

    what cocoa percentage do you prefer for the shell? And more Cristina videos, please.

    • Serra Pungkas R.
    • December 9, 2013

    thank you for the recipe, i love you!

    • ale
    • November 17, 2013

    Hi, thanks so much for all ur work. i highly admired. i have a question: i live in panama and we have many kind of creams. what kind of cream do you mean? heavy cream? whip cream? evaporated cream?…. and what is the porcent of your chocolate? 62%?

      • lisamattson
      • December 29, 2014

      Half and half

  5. Reply

    Tasty! thanks )

    • L'Re Burger
    • February 13, 2013

    This looks amazing. I remember that kitchen! I baked some “Mosbolletjies” in the oven there with Natalie during the 2008 harvest. Think I still owe Todd the recipe. 🙂

  6. Reply

    Love it – just posted on Pinterest.

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