Wine and Cheese Pairing & Serving Tips Video

Advice from a winery chef

The cheese course is a staple on the Jordan Winery table, both for daily Tours & Tastings and culinary events, so finding the perfect wine and cheese pairing and presenting it in an elegant way are two things often on my mind. This wine and cheese pairing video offers a few of my best tips for getting the most enjoyment out of your cheese and wine pairing, from selecting the right cheeses, ideal serving temperature and presentation ideas to cutting techniques and accoutrement ideas for your cheese plate. These suggestions will impress guests at your next dinner party–and save you time.

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About the Author

Growing up in Hawaii, Todd Knoll developed a strong connection to the land and the ocean at an early age. As executive chef at Jordan Winery, he grows hundreds of heirloom vegetables, fruits and herbs, cooks hors d’oeuvres and meals for guests, makes olive oil, and tends to the estate’s honeybees and chickens. A visual artist at heart, Chef Knoll spends his free time with his son and wife, Nitsa Knoll, exploring the diverse terrain of Sonoma County with camera and pencil in hand, capturing moments in nature to inspire his next recipe.

    • Lbcecconi
    • July 28, 2011

    Great video, chef…love the dental floss tip!

      • Anonymous
      • July 28, 2011

      Thanks! I will let Todd know. I used that tip for the first time last Friday with a wheel of Mt. Tam. It worked great!

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